
Business Name: Sandrine Ramboux e.U.

Address: FutureWise Partners c/o Climate Lab, Spittelauer Lände 45, 1090 Wien

Firmenbuchnummer: FN 614543s

Founded on 01.01.2023

Geschäftsführerin: Sandrine Ramboux

Business Name: RekindUK

Address: 6 Lena Gardens W6 7PZ

Registration Details: Company number 13916658

Geschäftsführerin: Ergem Senyuva



FutureWise Partners

FutureWise Partners is a boutique consulting firm operating under a partnership model in the United Kingdom, Belgium, Austria, and Türkiye. 

Our vision is a world where corporations and asset owners transition their operating models towards a regenerative future – a future where business practices and societal progress harmoniously regenerate and restore the environment and communities.


Our Sustainability Report

We are committed to making our website accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.